
Ivory Tower Diaries – It’s Funny Because It’s True<\/strong><\/p>\n

Ivory Tower Diary: Early 20th Century American Foreign Policy ? American Imperialism in Repose<\/p>\n

9:00 – 9:15 stays on topic which is American isolationism in the 1920s<\/p>\n

9:15 – 9:30 Goes off topic in discussion of influence of American imperialistic tendencies throughout the world. Discusses that America has replaced Europe in a neo colonial status<\/p>\n

9:30 \u00a0Intrepid student brings up figures such as Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Mobutu of Zaire. Professor calmly but forcefully preempts any discussion by noting that America and European capitalist interests have kept these countries as continuing vassals.<\/p>\n

9:45 \u00a0Professor also notes that American intervention in such places as post tsunami Malaysia were bold attempts to plant multi-national corporations within these countries. Face begins to purple and mottle. There is even spittle.<\/p>\n

9:50 \u00a0Professor conducts an ill-disguised attempt to take his meds in order to calm down after tirade<\/p>\n

Ivory Tower Diary: Mid 20th Century American History: Would the World Have Been Better Off if the Japanese Had the Bomb First?<\/strong><\/p>\n

1:00 Arrive at class on time ? professor is actually here, no TA. She is busy reading the Guardian. This has been her substitute since they stopped publishing Pravda.<\/p>\n

1:05 Professor opens class with bow toward portrait of Obama. This if followed by a spitting contest at portrait of Bush.<\/p>\n

1:06 Excitedly tells us of academic junket to Caracas. The only thing that spoils the trip is lack of choice TV shows in Hotel rooms. Fare included Chaves the Hero. Chaves the Savior, and Chaves going to lunch.<\/p>\n

1:16 Launches into diatribe of use the Atomic Bombs in Japan. Skillfully lays a Truman led conspiracy of how this was done to warn off Stalin. Artfully ignores the 7,000 casualties on Iwo Jima and the 43,000 casualties on Okinawa. Omits the kamikaze assaults. Sticks to Stalin narrative<\/p>\n

1:30 Diatribe on Atomic Bomb morphs into diatribe against David McCullough. McCullough is described as a doddering tool of the media right.<\/p>\n

1:40 Diatribe further morphs into lecture on how Rumsfeld and McCullough urged Truman to drop the bomb. When an intrepid student points out that Rumsfeld was 12 in 1945, student is hooted down with derision by Prof and many students<\/p>\n

1:50 Another student asks if the bomb was somehow a tool of a racist America used to maintain racial inequality. Prof pulls a neck muscle with too vigorous head nods.<\/p>\n

1:55 With election nearing Professor ?jokingly? suggests that if Students bring in proof they voted for liberal candidates ? she will give them an A. She reiterates that she is just joking.<\/p>\n

Ivory Tower Diary: New Deal America ? Was Roosevelt a Capitalist Stooge?<\/strong><\/p>\n

2:30 \u00a0Topic is new deal in the 1930s. Professor lectures on fact that Roosevelt was in fact half hearted in his attempts and that the New Deal was in fact a closet attempt of American capitalists to keep the poorer classes happy while continuing to hold power.<\/p>\n

2:50 \u00a0Intrepid student notes that the many capitalists thought Roosevelt ?dangerous? and vigorously opposed his efforts.<\/p>\n

2:53 \u00a0Professor provides a knowing smirk and determines that this may have been the case but that was smoke screen for what was really happening.<\/p>\n

2:55 \u00a0Sycophantic student brings up Amity Shales. Most off class pillories her work while the professor merely extends her smirk. Intrepid student sulks.<\/p>\n

3:15 \u00a0Professor spends another 10 minutes on labor movement in the country. Francis Perkins is also portrayed as an unwilling dupe of the moneyed classes. The word classist is use three times in a single sentence.<\/p>\n

3:29 \u00a0Professor almost breaks her streak of not mentioning Marx but as she puts it “I cannot help myself, if Marx was wrong, I never want to be right again.”<\/p>\n

Avenge Andre Green<\/strong><\/p>\n

On one of our Midwestern state campuses, young men were handing out pamphlets called \u201cAvenge Andre Green.\u201d\u00a0 Andre Green was fatally shot by police in August 2015.\u00a0 He was 15 years old.<\/p>\n

The brochure is written to sound like something of out of a rap song. \u201cRegardless of what Andre did or did not do, it is important to remember that he was but one of thousands of black youth who have had their lives stolen by these racist pigs.\u201d<\/p>\n

The brochure goes onto to present a unique view of American History:<\/p>\n

\u201cThe modern American police force was born of the unholy marriage of strikebreakers in the North and runaway slave catchers in the South.\u201d \u00a0It was noted by the Guardian news media that Green was the \u201c183rd\u201d<\/sup> case of black person being killed by police.<\/p>\n

Before any readers simply dismisses this as the usual propaganda perpetuated by leftist professors, race baiters such as Al Sharpton or supposed intellectuals such as Cornell West, please note that this type of thinking, this type of teaching is not atypical but rather borne out of the Progressive rule that exists over our academies.\u00a0 And remember that this was not Berkeley or MSNBC but rather a Midwestern school.<\/p>\n

In the case of the real Andre Green the facts were that he was taking part in a carjacking including the ramming of a police cruiser when he was shot.\u00a0 His father was in in prison and Green had a prior record of auto theft.\u00a0 Of course it is a tragedy that any 15 year old would be killed but of course there is a greater tragedy and that is the killing of teenage black males by other teenage black males. And those numbers make the number of police killings look small.<\/p>\n

Though this pamphlet and the Guardian are clearly concerned with the case of Green, and there are many reasons of concern in this case.\u00a0 What does not seem to engender the same concern are African Americans killed by other African Americans.\u00a0 183? What about 224 teens killed in just the city of Chicago in 2014?\u00a0 What about the 400 plus black teens killed in gun crimes?\u00a0 No pamphlets, no protests, no convenient and easy historical narratives to pin to these cases.\u00a0 In fact where are the names.\u00a0 We will provide some.\u00a0 What about Hadiya Pendleton or seven year old Amari Brown.\u00a0 Where are their pamphlets?\u00a0 Where is the outrage about their deaths.\u00a0 Where are the reporters and professors when these crimes are perpetuated.\u00a0 There is a difference and let us tell what that is.\u00a0 We care about the deaths of teenagers regardless of who commits the crime.\u00a0 But the writers of these types of pamphlets only care if it brings them attention or in the case of too many \u2013 ratings.<\/p>\n

What are the answers for these crimes, aside from assaulting the very people who do so much to keep us \u2013 all of us \u2013 safe? We all know some of the answers and they having little to do with the history of policing.\u00a0 Yet whereas the name of Andre Green will be featured on College Campuses, Amari Brown\u2019s name will not.<\/p>\n

